Category: Security & Privacy

Your Guide To Improving Macbook’s Security

Macbooks are known as computers that are not prone to cybersecurity threats. However, it does not mean that macOS users should forget about securing their computers. And there might be some who are still relatively new and are not that familiar with all the measures they can take to protect themselves from malware and viruses. […]

Ways Of How Your Personal Data Can Be Stolen From You & How To Avoid That?

How To Protect Yourself From Online Identity Theft Identity theft is an act in which someone uses someone else’s data (eg name, surname, address, etc.), and in addition to violating privacy (eg opening a fake Facebook profile, false representation) is also a criminal offense. Fake profiles are created by people for a variety of reasons, […]

Waymo and Uber Stolen Files

It is to no surprise for the reputation management agency company that Uber and Lyft have been going head to head. Before Kalanick hired an engineer to continue on the self-driving car project they had been running, he knew about the stolen files that the engineer had. Kalanick told the engineer that he couldn’t bring […]

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