The 4 Marketing Trends you Need to Know

The 4 Marketing Trends you Need to Know

For the Los Angeles online reputation management company, since they are a small business, it is important for them to always look into the marketing trends and make sure they can keep up with the latest trends.

Personalization is huge

One of the biggest marketing concerns of 2017 according to Adam Rowe is that being able to know your customers and their viewpoints on your product or service. There should always be demographic personalization and it seems no marketer wants to miss out on this.

Brand storytelling is on the rise

Any storytelling these days seem to be essential for a successful omnichannel marketing campaign. It is important that marketers with different social network sites can be sure to offer the same experience across any platform. Any brand can rise above the noise with a great story to tell their customers.

Social media for customer engagement is now essential

This is something that has quickly become unavoidable since most companies are on social media since that’s where their target audience may be. If you aren’t monitoring the web and seeing what your customers and target market is saying about you, then you are very behind and this isn’t a good thing for modern businesses. Most businesses are using social media since that is what mostly every marketer is doing. That’s where you will be able to generate more business since they will see your products or your service online and want to purchase from you or become a member.

VR, AI, and IoT

These are new tech gimmicks, which aren’t catching on, and these are recent technologies that might give an affiliated brand more attention than before. Apparently, VR, AI and the Internet of Things are all in last place right now. No one is really shifting towards a VR environment even though in about 5 years, this will hopefully change.

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