How to Download and Save Instagram Video Online in 3 Steps

Downloading Instagram videos is something usual that users do with mobile applications, browsers plugins or dedicated software installed on computer. Many people do not know that you can download and save Instagram video online without needing to install anything on your computer.

In this article, I will explain you how I have downloaded an Instagram video using online websites, so called Instagram downloaders.

First, what do we mean by Online Instagram Downloader?

First thing First, what we call Instagram video savers online are simply websites that allow you to download video from Instagram and save it to your computer or smart phone. They are web application with a background functionality that help users to download video from Instagram without any software installed on their computer or smartphone.

When you use such applications online, here are the top advantages you will benefit from:

  • No need to install anything on your computer or smartphone. In fact, several video downloaders tools required the installation of a software or application, this can be a plugin or add-ons on your Internet browser, a simple mobile application or even a dedicated software to install on your computer. The problem with installation is it takes space and CPU on your computer or mobile phone, and you are never sure about the security of such softwares. With online downloaders, you have nothing to install, all the process is done by the website.
  • They are free to use, so no need to spend any money on Google Play or Apple Store or so
  • The online downloaders work with almost every browser (Internet explorer, Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome etc.). They support also all operating system and all type of computer or smartphone able to connect to Internet
  • Most importantly, the online downloaders can support many websites like YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Vimeo, Dailymotion etc., all on a single website application

What Instagram downloaders I have used to save my videos?

There are so many online downloaders, but I have used the ones below:

  1. Instagram Videos Downloader
  2. Save Instagram Videos

They are similar, work well and have a convivial design. They support also many other websites on top of Instagram, mainly YouTube, Twitter, Vimeo etc.

What are The 3 steps I have followed to download Instagram Videos?

The 3 steps are very simple, in a nutshell, they consist to past the URL of the Instagram video on the form of the downloader page, then press a button. The rest is strait forward.

Step1: Find the URL of the Instagram Video

This step consists to find the link of the Instagram video, the so-called URL of the video.

  • Open you Instagram account,
  • Click on the video you want to download
  • Once the video is playing, the URL is displayed on the browser input field
  • Copy the URL and go to next step

Step2: Open the video downloader, Put the URL and start the download

  • Open the Instagram downloader (one of the sites listed above)
  • Paste the URL you have copied in the first step
  • Press the Download button

Step3: Select the video format to download and save in your local computer

After the second step, a new page containing download links will be open automatically.

  • Select the video format you wish to download
  • Right Click and Save on your computer/smartphone
  • You are done!


Downloading and saving video from Instagram have never been so fast and easy with online downloaders. This guide shows you how to download Instagram video in 3 simple and practical steps. The same process is applicable if you want to download video from Twitter, Vimeo, YouTube or any websites supported by the tools we mention in this guide. If you are looking to download video from any website, try this method and let us know if anything is blocking.

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