10 Best Paid Coding Classes for Kids That Give You Your Money’s Worth

10 Best Paid Coding Classes for Kids That Give You Your Money’s Worth

Involving your children in enjoyable coding classes will give them a jumpstart on their future professional careers. Fortunately, many coding classes for kids can hopefully spark a lifelong interest.

When you enrol your child in an online coding class, it will not only teach them coding skills but also develop the following skills:

  • problem-solving skills
  • programming skills
  • data science
  • logical thinking

We have listed the best coding for kids courses that you can get your child into.

1) Code Monkey

Age: Kids 9+

If your child enjoys a good story, it is ideal to start with Code Monkey. Code Monkey is one of the most popular coding websites that teach kids coding through fun online games.

Children learn to code with a text-based editor. They will also learn to use CoffeeScript, a programming language with syntax similar to English that compiles into JavaScript. Their stories cover all of the essential programming concepts like:

  • game logic
  • loops
  • direction
  • sequencing
  • algorithms

2) Code Avengers

Age: Kids 12+

Code Avengers is a self-paced, mostly text-based coding website for kids and teens. Among the classes they offer are an introduction to coding, web development, and coding in programming languages such as:

  • Python
  • HTML & CSS
  • JavaScript

Children work through lessons, debugging code, and completing challenges on this platform. They also provide a Parent Dashboard, which allows you to view your children’s progress through the courses, projects they’ve completed, and concepts they’ve learned.

3) Plural Sight

Age: 14+

Pluralsight has one of the most extensive online coding courses for new and aspiring developers.

Over 50 expert-led classes are divided into seven paths. Each path focuses on a specific coding language or topic, such as:

  • Ruby
  • JavaScript
  • HTML & CSS
  • iOS and databases

If your kids are interested, they can also learn about tech subjects like information technology and cyber security. These are excellent online coding classes for teenagers that cover various topics.

5) CodeWizardsHQ

Age: Kids 8-18

CodeWizardsHQ is a coding school suitable for children and teenagers aged 8 to 18.

Children can begin with block-based programming in elementary school and progress to front and back-end coding languages in high school. Experienced coders teach coding for kids, so you can guarantee that students learn efficiently.

Coding classes are available for elementary, middle, and high school students. They also provide after-school coding classes and a summer coding camp for children.

6) Lightbot

Age: 13+

LightBot allows children to solve puzzles by programming. It’s a coding-based puzzle game that gradually teaches computer programming as your kids play.

Children will learn sequencing, overloading, procedures, recursive loops, and conditionals. LightBot was created for beginners, so it’s easy to use even for those without coding skills.

7) Coding with Kids

Age: Kids 5 to 13

Coding with Kids is a coding academy with numerous course topics, class types, and frequency options. The courses are categorised based on your child’s age and interests. It’s well-organized and levelled to ensure that children are placed in an environment where they can thrive and be challenged.

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They offer many options, but the schedules are kind of rigid. It’s ideal for younger children, though middle schoolers will enjoy their courses if it’s their first exposure to coding.

8) CodaKid

Age: Kids 7 to 13

CodaKid is a kids’ coding platform that teaches kids how to use programming languages and professional tools by creating games, apps, drones, and websites, among other things.

CodaKid was created by a former SEGA developer with over thirty years of game development experience. They provide paid private tutoring in 1-on-1 classes led by an experienced coding teacher.

They offer Scratch, Python, and other language courses, and all lessons are self-paced, allowing both new and advanced students to progress at their own pace.

9) Colt Steele Web Developer Bootcamp

Age: Kids 15+

This course is an excellent option for self-motivated and advanced students who want to learn everything there is to know about Web development.

This Udemy online coding course consists of 63 hours of video tutorials and hands-on project building. It looks good on a LinkedIn profile or a resume, especially if you’re applying to a Bachelor’s program in Computer Science.

Kids will learn everything they need about frontend development to create their own games, interactive websites, and mobile apps.

10) Software Academy

Age: Kids 6 to 16

University educators in London founded Software Academy. It is the only academy in the UK approved by the NCFE to provide accredited qualifications to children in coding, games, and design.

They offer different methods of learning, such as:

  • Holiday Camps
  • Term Time
  • Private Tuition
  • Self-Guided Learning

Whether you prefer an online coding class or a face-to-face tutorial, these options give you flexibility. They offer different online coding courses, including:

  • 3D Game Design & Development
  • Games Coding & Programming
  • Computing Basics

The courses allow your children to experiment with professional tools, gain knowledge and skills, and have a lot of fun! Because university lecturers created the lessons, they provide the same level of education as students studying at colleges and universities.

Book a free trial with Software Academy now to unleash your kids’ tech skills!

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