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Someone Trashing Your Brand On Social Media? Here’s What To Do

Someone Trashing Your Brand On Social Media? Here’s What To Do

If you’re searching to learn more about online reputation management for business, it’s likely that you’ve found yourself in hot water with trash-talking customers or a handful of negative reviews.

Reputation management for social media is an important part of running a business in the digital age, and it’s important that you put tried-and-true strategies to work if you’re struggling to maintain a positive online presence.

Load Up On Great Reviews

If you’re searching for information on how to remove a bad review on Facebook, you’ll find that it’s nearly impossible to scrub bad reviews from the internet.

Instead of trying to get a bad Facebook or Yelp review taken down, it’s a better idea to try to counterbalance those reviews with positive ones from your trusted regular customers.

People are far more likely to write a negative review after a bad experience than they are to write a positive review after a great experience. In order to load up on positive reviews, you may need to ask your regular customers to take a moment to help boost your business.

At the end of positive transactions, ask customers to write a positive review if they feel so inclined. To increase engagement with your Facebook page, be sure to respond to all positive reviews with a response that’s at least a few sentences long. Get as personal as possible — remembering a detail about their transaction or a funny part of your interaction can go a long way in making it clear to others that you care about those who patronize your business.

Ask for The Chance to Make It Right

You already know the answer to the question, “Why is reputation important?” You want your potential customers to see that you’re a business of integrity. In the event that customers are trashing your business or leaving negative reviews, reach out to them for the opportunity to make it right. Do so both publicly on social media and through a private message.

When you do this, you’re showing others that you want your customers to have a great experience, and you’re showing that you’ll do what it takes to fix any errors made by your business.

Don’t Get Defensive

We know — when you see a bad review or negative comments, you immediately think about the negative impacts of social media on business. It’s natural to feel defensive, but the last thing you want to do is argue with customers online.

Keep it positive, and take a few minutes to cool down before responding. Remember, what you say on social media is what you say to your potential customer base — let your professionalism shine.

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