ORM Industry Turns to Ethics

ORM Industry Turns to Ethics

Among the many prominent lessons that online reputation management expert Herman Tumurcuoglu has learnt during his career, business ethics is the most important. In his recent article published on MarketingProfs, he reveals the ORM keys to success; business ethics being the first. Since the ORM industry has recently had a bad reputation, certain companies that have healthy practices are guilty by association. As a result, they have to redeem themselves to the market.

Tumurcuoglu cannot put enough emphasis in the article on what your responsibilities are to yourself, your business, and you future or current clients. With ORM and unlimited access to digital information, companies should have more incentive than ever to act ethically. Acting ethically is investing in one’s own growth because it encourages smooth operation. The reputation of a business is not longer just from its immediate community but from the Internet. The viral community is far too large to influence. Therefore, it is best to act ethically in all matters of your business. Ethical behavior on the Internet, responding to bad reviews, and managing your online reputation will increase the public image of you. For more information about how you can improve your online reputation management practices through ethical behavior, visit the link provided above.

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