How Blogging Can Help You Achieve A Better Google Rank

All website owners want their pages to achieve a high rank in search engines. It doesn’t matter what your niche is or what kind of website you have. Everyone wants the top spot. However, only the cream of the crop makes it to the first page. 

Most people nowadays using the internet to find the things they need. So, it only makes sense for business and website owners to find ways on how to achieve a higher rank on Google. How can one achieve this? Through Blogging SEO.

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Simply having a blog is not a factor for ranking high in search engines. However, blogging helps improve your chances of achieving a better rank in Google as it can help with your Search Engine Optimization. Having a blog and regularly updating it with high-quality posts and topics that are relevant to your niche helps your website perform better in search engines. 

Here are other reasons to start a blog and optimize it for SEO.

  • It helps keep your site visitors stay longer on your website
  • It gives your target audiences fresh posts to read
  • It allows you to gain more backlinks
  • It will enable you to target long-tail keywords
  • It allows you to take advantage of internal linking

Good Read: The Top 10 Benefits Of Blogging On Your Website

8 Tips On How To Blog For Better Ranking

Update your site with fresh, quality and relevant content. One good way to attract your audience is by having a blog that is always updated since the goal of search engines is to provide its users with accurate, relevant, and fresh content. For websites, there is usually no need to update it often. So, a blog is the best way to have new posts for your audiences. Make sure to publish content that is of high-quality and relevant to your niche.

Make use of internal links

We already mentioned that blogging allows you to take advantage of your internal links. So, every time you write a blog post, make sure to link relevant posts you’ve published in the past. Use anchor texts containing your target keyword to make it look as natural as possible.

Research your keyword the right way

Ever wonder why some blogs don’t generate as much traffic as they are supposed to? It’s because they are trying to target the wrong keywords. Merely writing content is putting your blogging efforts to waste. Thankfully, there are lots of tools one can use to research keywords related to your topic.

Good Read: How to Do Keyword Research for SEO: Everything You Need to Know

Make sure to research and use the right keywords for your content. However, be mindful when using keywords. Keyword stuffing is a no-no as well as forcing a keyword on a content. Also, take advantage of long-tail keywords.

Craft Interesting Title For Your Content

Your content title also needs to catch your reader’s attention and has to be relevant to your keywords. Communicate your topic through the title by including your target keyword in the title.  

Place Your Keyword In The Blog post URL

Search engines also take into consideration your page URL to understand what that page is all about. Your page URL is also is an important search engine factor, allowing you to rank. Before publishing any blog post, make sure to customize the URL and include your keyword.

Optimize Your Page Headings

Like titles and page URLs, search engines also check on each page headings in checking what the post is all about. So, make sure to include your keywords on headings naturally.

Think about the texts behind your images

Your image text is another factor used in search engine ranking. It allows you to insert your keyword naturally in your post. 

Put your keyword in your meta description

A meta description is an HTML tag which is usually about 155 characters only. It summarizes the searched keyword within the post. When you search for anything on Google, the results page will show results will include the title of the post and meta description. By optimizing the meta description with your keyword, it won’t only help you rank higher in search engines. Users also use this to gauge if your content is what they are looking for. 

Tag and categorize your posts wisely

One good thing about blogs is that it allows you to create tags and group blogs that are related to each other under one category. It won’t only make your visitors navigate your website easily. It also creates a new page along with the links and relevant content.

Buy PBN Sites

Consider building a Private Blog Network, and you get to see fast results with your blogging efforts. PBNs are an excellent way to achieve a higher rank faster and easier. When you buy pbn sites, you get to own high-authority domains which search engines still consider as good sources of information. These domains, although expired and old, can even generate link juice that is essential for SEO.  

If you plan to buy pbn sites, make sure to minimize risks that come with PBNs. In a nutshell, PBNs are a form of black hat SEO. While such a strategy can help you achieve a better rank faster, it comes with risks of receiving penalties from Google. The worst-case scenario is search engines wiping your page out if it leaves footprints across the internet. By building a PBN the right way, you can enjoy a high Google rank, improve site traffic, and increase conversions.

Promote your blog in your social media pages

Since most blog owners also take advantage of social media sites, make sure to use this to broaden your reach. Share your posts on your social media pages, engage with your followers, and entice them to visit your blog.


Having a blog and optimizing it for SEO can help you achieve your goals of improving your rank in search engines. Make sure to consider all the items on the list above to make the most out of your blogging efforts. These won’t only allow you to rank higher in Google but improve your domain authority, target more of your audiences, and make them stay on your website.

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